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Crystal Chakra Cleanse

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Crystal therapy would fall under the heading of something called energy work. If you are not familiar with ever having heard of that, don’t worry, you are not alone. According to Dr. Carolyn C. Ross, MD, energy work is based on the idea that “disease results from an imbalance or blockage in our body’s vital energy.” So, when an energy healer removes the blockage or stimulates the flow of energy, it’s supposed to allow our body to naturally heal itself. Energy healing, or energy medicine includes Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Healing Touch, and many other modalities. Acupuncture is also a form of energy healing.

But how do the rocks fit into all of this? These healing rocks and crystals have their particular vibration and frequency, which arise from their molecular composition. From the way they move and interact, these vibrations and energies work in benefiting and uplifting our mood, mind, and health in a considerable manner, often in the way essential oils and aromatherapy work. Acting like a magnet, it can absorb the negative energies and welcome fresh vibes.

Since they are all naturally extracted, they harness the energies of the sun, moon, and oceans (all-natural healing energies) to improve our state. When you place or hold a crystal over the body, it interacts with the body's chakras and promotes physical and mental wellness. Used in a certain way, it can also improve your concentration and creativity. It can also promote physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing.

Why? Crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans and maximize the healing abilities we already have. Because of this comforting feeling, when you place a crystal on the body, it helps you connect better and feel at ease. Balancing crystals can also help match the misaligned energy levels.

The history of this practice is ancient, dating back at least 6,000 years to the time of the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. Ancient Egyptians are also referenced on such sites as being among the first people to have adorned themselves with crystals — including lapis lazuli, carnelian and turquoise — to ward off illness and negative energy. Flip to modern day, healing crystals remain popular at health spas and at New Age health clinics, sometimes incorporated into related practices of massage and Reiki.

During a crystal chakra cleanse, crystals are placed on each of the nine chakras (seven traditional, higher purpose and seat of the soul) in order to clear any blockages and allow the body's energies to flow properly to maintain optimal health. While placing the crystals on the corresponding chakras, I give you a little bit of information on the type of stone being used and its benefits. Like a guided meditation. To end the session, I also employ the use of another energy technique called polarity therapy.

Remember, healing techniques created by ancient civilizations can still benefit our health even in this modern era – from traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to Māori and Native American remedies. There’s a variety of different belief systems and no technique is right or wrong. What matters most is the intention you have in mind.

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